Since our inception in 2009, we have produced more than 75 design talks, and for each of them, we published a monographic catalogue. Once a year, we organise or co-organise a screening night.
Our Season 16 features talks about Graphics & Lettering, Fashion Design, Product Design, Editorial & Information Design, Experimental Design and Public Space Design.
Design Friends is really hoping to bring together a maximum of 'design addicts', so if you love design, become a member! Please do not hesitate to relay this message to your friends and/or colleagues who might share this interest.
30 € / season
Regular members support Design Friends’ activities with their membership.
Incl. six catalogues.
100 € / season
It’s not a VIP-thing, Gold members are just ready to spend some extra money to help more programme to be done.
Incl. six catalogues signed by the designers.
Incl. meet-and-greet with the designers during post-talk dinner (by individual participation).
Mention on and in the annual publication "DEE".
15 € / season
Student Members (people registred in college or university courses, upon presentation of student registration as proof) pay 50% of the regular membership.
Incl. six catalogues.
250 € / season
Organisations, companies and institutions.
Includes 3 nominative Memberships (staff only).
Incl. 3 x six catalogues signed by the designers.
Mention on and in the annual publication "DEE".
500 € / season
Organisations, companies and institutions.
Includes 10 nominative Memberships (staff only).
Incl. 10 x six catalogues signed by the designers.
Mention on and in the annual publication "DEE".